Climate Change Solutions
Climate Change Solutions – Energy from the Ocean
Climate Change Solutions – Clean Ocean Energy with Tidal Energy
Climate Change Solutions – Tidal Energy is a form of marine energy obtained from harnessing of the kinetic energy of marine currents, such as the Gulf stream. Although not widely used at present, tidal power has an important potential for future electricity generation. Tidal power is more predictable than wind and solar power.
Climate Change Solutions – Tidal Energy currents are caused mainly by the rise and fall of the tides resulting from the gravitational interactions between earth, moon, and sun, causing the whole sea to ?ow. Other effects such as regional differences in temperature and salinity and the Coriolis effect due to the rotation of the earth are also major influences.
Climate Change Solutions – A 2006 report from United States Department of the Interior estimates that capturing just 1/1,000th of the available energy from the Gulf Stream, which has 21,000 times more energy than Niagara Falls in a flow of water that is 50 times the total flow of all the world’s freshwater rivers, would supply Florida with 35% of its electrical needs.
Climate Change Solutions – The kinetic energy of tidal currents can be converted in much the same way that a wind turbine extracts energy from the wind, using various types of open-?ow rotors. The potential of electric power generation from marine tidal currents is enormous. There are several factors that make electricity generation from marine currents very appealing when compared to other renewables:
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